Viva La Vida—and Other Inspiring Quotes from ‘Twinkling Watermelon’

Quotes from 'Twinkling Watermelon'

Just when I thought I was all done with those time-traveling genres, curiosity got the best of me and led me to ‘Twinkling Watermelon.’ Wrapped up last November 2023, clips and reels of this coming-of-age K-drama series have been popping up on my newsfeed. But I was not initially interested as this could have just been another nostalgic high school series which I thought I was so done with.

However, as always, life throws in some unexpected surprises. Yesterday, I was just mindlessly scrolling, desperately trying to find something to kill my boredom. Long story short, I decided to give the first episode of ‘Twinkling Watermelon’ a shot—and what started as just one episode turned into another, and then another, and well, you get the picture.

What got me hooked at first was how ‘Twinkling Watermelon’ captured the struggles of family breadwinners—you know, the whole ‘sacrificial lamb’ thing, like my old boss used to say. It hit home on so many levels. But as the story unfolded, it took this unexpected turn, making you step into other people’s shoes and see things from their perspective. It’s like a reality check, you know? We all have our battles, and sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own stuff, thinking the world’s against us, only to realize everyone’s got their own struggles deep down.


Inspirational Quotes and Lessons Learned from ‘Twinkling Watermelon’ K-drama Series

‘Twinkling Watermelon’ tells the story of a CODA boy, Eun Gyeol, who somehow zips back to 1995—the teenage days of his parents. He ends up forming a band with his father and eventually learns the untold stories of his folks back in the day.

Yeah, it felt like another version of ‘Go Back Couple,’ ’18 Again,’ and ‘A Time Called You’—but what sets it apart is the insanely well-crafted characters and a killer soundtrack that screams ’90s nostalgia. It also got me pondering how most of us really can’t understand our parents simply because we weren’t around when they were figuring out life from teenage shenanigans to adulthood—just like we are doing now.

Here are some of the inspirational quotes and lessons I’ve learned from ‘Twinkling Watermelon’ that really kept me glued to the screen until the very end. Every episode just throws in a dose of hope and motivation, reminding us to keep pushing forward no matter how tough things get and to never forget to have a good time along the way. Viva la Vida!

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Don’t feed your enemy. If you feed people like them, all they will do is poop out of their mouths.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Major and minor chords coexist harmoniously for a song to sound delightful and complete. The same goes for life. Experiencing hardships and joyful moments helps you build your dazzling life.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Music is the only drug allowed by the government.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

My heart aches because of the other option I didn’t choose.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

When you find yourself in need of an answer, flip a coin.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

The world of possibility is unbelievable.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

A boy in love can sometimes have superpowers.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Being considerate isn’t always a good thing. Because being considerate with a sense of superiority can hurt someone’s self-esteem.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Believe me, watching the immature version of your parents can be too much for you to handle.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Life didn’t have to be perfect for it to shine. It’s the little moments that make your life twinkle—what you experience when those moments come together. It’s the little moments that make your life twinkle. And happiness is what you experience when those moments come together.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

If you push the wall, it becomes a bridge. If you fall somewhere, there’s a hidden treasure.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Everyone goes on with their lives while giving meaning to their lives or trying to find meaning. They do their best to rationalize their lives. But you don’t always have to try so hard to be impressive. Continuing to live is already a great feat. But who knows? Besides, aren’t you a little curious about the kind of luck that will come your way in the future and how your story will go?

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Viva la Vida. Long live life.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Silence can also impart a message.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

If it’s pity, forget it. It must feel so cold and lonely to live in that isolated world all alone. If you’re going to hurt her down the road, don’t even start.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

MGGO: The moment you give up, it’s game over.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Your parents also had a painful time in their youth.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Minor coincidences come together to bring luck miraculously or to create an unbelievable tragedy.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

If you really want to impress something, you will find a way. And if you want to express more, you just need to learn how to do it.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

I just want to compose this now, before I forget how youth felt.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Put down the burden already. It’s not your burden to carry. No one can live your life for you.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Here’s the thing about life: it may not give you everything you want, but it does hide a small present for you from time to time. I hope you can endure the cruel hardship life throws your way. So, you can receive the present life has tucked away for you and everyone you wanted to protect.

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

‘”Life is filled with all kinds of metaphors. Interpretation is solely up to the receiver. There are no right answers.”

Twinkling Watermelon Quotes, Inspirational Quotes Kdrama, Kdrama Quotes, Dakilanglaagan

Give up on giving up.

In case you’re in need of a dose of motivation or a sign to keep going with life, do yourself a favor and watch ‘Twinkling Watermelon.’ It’s a journey filled with relatable struggles, insightful life lessons, and a soundtrack that’ll transport you straight to the nostalgic vibes of the ’90s. Trust me, it’s the kind of series that leaves you with a refreshed perspective and a renewed sense of determination. Happy watching!