Tag: itsmorefuninthephilippines

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Lake Bensis: Why Keep it a Secret?

Our hike to Lake Bensis (fondly called as Pingganon Lake) began with curiosity. What’s in there? What’s on top of that mountain? What awaits for us on the other side? Had it not been for curiosity, many discoveries and explorations wouldn’t have come to fruition. And without curious minds who ask questions and defy odds, we would have to continue believing the truths that have been long deceiving us.

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Mt. Kapayas: A Letter From the Mountains

But how do I make somebody fall in love with me again? How can I make them fall in love with me when I am barely naked; for the forest, that once dressed me, has been long trashed out? How can I make them fall in love with me when all my resources are gone? How can I make them fall in love with me when I have cried too much, drying up my rivers? How can I make them fall in love with me when I could no longer subdue the anger of the storms, and the weather does not recognize my power anymore?

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Finding Dory: A Traveler’s Reflection

chasing“When life gets you down, do you wanna know what you’ve got to do?

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” -Dory

Do you know that feeling when you really want to get something but you can’t? It’s like trying to reach your back which is so itchy but you can’t or answering a test in Algebra but you studied Trigonometry. Frustrated. Yes, that’s the right word. I have been totally frustrated these past few weeks. I have not been out for almost two months and it is totally frustrating. Wait, did I repeat it again – the word frustrating? Frustrating, right? WAHAHAHAAHA. :D :D :D