I literally left my heart in Sagada


Lake Danum


My dearest one,

It’s hard to imagine the nights I’m spending right now without you. You had me attached to every detail of you, making it hard to forget the memories we’ve spent together. Oh, those beautiful times on the balcony where you gently maneuvered your arms around me, wrapping me all over with your mists of love.


Kiltepan Peak



I could still vividly recall our first encounter. The sweet aroma of coffee with you while patiently waiting for sunrise, which turned out to be a failed event. And though many had their remorse with the activity, you sat still and enjoyed the coldness of the morning, as your eyes glimmered in joy while looking over the red and green lushes of pines hovering over the rice terraces. I know right then that you were more than just somebody who’s there to complain about the crowd and take pictures.


I know that you were beyond the ordinary. You have been graced with bountiful springs and harvests. You have taught many individuals the beauty of walking and appreciating simple joys. And even with the scorching rays of the sun, you still managed to lure many to continue the road to your paradise – a paradise meant only for those who had persevered and courageously taken the road less traveled.


Of course, I had fair share of fears at first. I mean, I didn’t know you fully. To be exact, you were a stranger; but amongst all strangers, ironically, I never felt the need to build my walls around me when I’m with you. I felt safe with you. You made me embrace the exquisiteness of the darkness, the thrill of rappelling into makeshift ropes and tires, and walk barefoot into solid rock formations and cascading waters while listening to your fancy stories revolving a grand palace of king, queen, pregnant woman, princess, and their pigpen, elephants, dinosaurs, crocodiles and butterflies. You had me fooled over that cave, only us can see and discover.


But among the stories you’ve shared, I believed that the best part is yet to be told. It’s evident on the way you smile and the laughs you had that echoed through the long stretches of valleys. Your eyes shadowed the stories of failed romances, promises of forever, resentments, and compiled broken hearts. And as if the heavens have read through you, the rain poured that day – trying to wash away the pain and inflect the numbness through the cold wind until it hurts no more.

As much as I would want to stay with you for all infinity, the universe was against us as of the moment. You had your commitments. I had mine. We were worlds apart. But the encounter we had is a proof that no matter how hard and broken a person is, he or she is still capable of loving.


Sagada Pottery House


You taught me to love the coldness of the night, the darkness of caverns, and the diversity of cultures. I fell in love with your family – your kind, good looking, and sweet family. In addition, you taught me that there is still more to a place than the tourist spots it has. Because more than just taking pictures, it’s the memories that last – the experience that can never be relegated to the camera. And how can I forget about your lovely songs? Your playlist made me fall in love with you more. Those country music are never to miss. They added spice to our whirlwind romance.

You see, I’m writing this letter not to bid goodbye to what we shared. Because for the first time in my life, I suddenly felt the urge to stay. To no longer vagabond. To just hang in the moment and fall in love deeper. But this is not a fairytale and I’m no princess. I have to go. I have now proven that some people are meant to be forever but not together. I love you still, and remember that my heart only belongs to you. I left my heart with you.




Here’s a sample itinerary of our quick trip to Sagada:



  • 4:30am – Departure to Kiltepan Peak for sunrise viewing
  • 6:00am – Breakfast and registration at the Tourism Office
  • 8:00am – Departure to Bomod-ok Falls
  • 8:30 – 12:30 – Trek to Aguid Rice Terraces to Bomod-ok Falls and swimming
  • 12:30pm – late lunch
  • 1:30pm – Sumaguing Cave
  • 4:00pm – Echo Valley and Hanging Coffins
  • 5:30pm – Lake Danum
  • 6:00pm – Sagada Pottery
  • 7:00pm – Back to Clareince Inn


Getting around Sagada is quick and easy. There are group tours are available online and there are tons of jeepneys and vans that you can hire for a tour around Sagada.

  • After the Sagada Adventure, you can opt to go to Banaue to see the famous Banaue Rice Terraces or you can proceed to Bontoc then ride a jeepney to Buscalan to meet the oldest Kalinga tattoo artist, Apo Whang Od
  • We costumed our own itinerary because we have limited number of days to stay in Sagada; but to avoid these kinds of hassles, you can book on tour packages. There are a lot of tour packages and promos hovering over Facebook and online; however, if you want to make the most of your stay and does not want to join with others or if your schedule does not fit to the agency’s, don’t be afraid to do-it-yourself. Though we were not able to avail their Tour Package, I’d like extend my sincerest gratitude to Dive-in Travel for making all means to assist us and for making all means to help us be accommodated. You can try to contact them and discuss about your terms and plans for your tour (Click link for details).
  • There are no entrance fees to all Sagada tourist spots, as of the moment. You only need to register at their Tourism office and pay P35.00. The receipt will be your ticket to all destinations around. However, you are required to have a guide for the destinations. The Tourism office will give you a brochure that gives the specifics with the tours that you would want to enjoy. They also recommend local guides. (Guide Fee ranges from P200 – P1,000 depending on the difficulty of the activity and the number of hours needed. You can’t haggle with the guides because they have uniform rates as stated on the brochure given by the Tourism office.)
  • For those who would want to make the most of the trip, you can rent a vehicle for the whole day and ask the help of the driver for the tour and in looking for a guide. I highly recommend Kuya Eugene (driver) and Ray (guide). Though it’s almost impossible, we were able to visit almost all tourist spots because of them.
  • For other inquiries, you are free to comment below or reach me through my FB account. I’m always online. No worries.
  • Have a blessed trip and enjoy Sagada!